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Aya Murata

"-Garden of Colours- Aya Murata Exhibition"

23rd November, (Sat) – 7th December (Sat), 2019 

Hours:12:00~19:00, closed Sundays


Reception: 23rd November (Sat) 18:00-

YOD Gallery is delighted to present "-Garden of Colours- Aya Murata Exhibition", our first solo exhibition by Aya Murata (b.1979).


Aya Murata creates ceramic sculptures with the theme of “vitality”. Her vibrant flower-like pieces seem to glow like sunlight itself. However, in the past year, Murata has chosen a new approach her work, and the result will be unveiled in this exhibition. “Until now I have made sculptures that show the energy of the sun, but lately I feel that I want to express the condensed power that is within living things”, she explains her new endeavors.


Murata has consistently focused on the shape of flowers in her sculptures to express the abundant vitality of plants. However, this time she has gained unexpected inspiration from the world of insects. While looking through a book of insect photos, she was especially moved by an image of a Caddisfly nest. “Insects, that supposedly do not possess any aesthetic sense, are producing forms that surpass our artificial creations in beauty. I would say that they create such perfect structures because they are free of avarice.” The discovery had such a great impact on Murata that her work has shifted into a new direction. Moving away from the shapes of flowers that radiate sunlight, she strives to express the “inner power” of the smallest life forms, which always exist around us, even when hidden.


Murata’ signature Nerikomi technique consists of mixing pigments into clay to create each clay colour, which are then systematically combined to create patterns. The patterns emerge in the cross-section of the clay when it is cut into petal-like parts, which are then combined to make the sculpture. The finished forms are like plants and mysterious creatures, and the intricate patterns are reminiscent of a cellular structure as seen through a microscope. Cells cannot be seen with the naked eye, but they are the foundation of all life. To show vitality as the accumulation of cells, Murata has focused on density of expression when preparing for this exhibition. 


Aya Murata’s sculptures as well as paintings will embellish the gallery space like a garden, where leaves are turning into brilliant colours to receive the cold season, and remind the viewer of the inner power of living things that allows them to survive the winter and flourish again in spring. Please join us in person to see this special exhibition.

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